IT Audit & Compliance Blog

The Linford & Company Blog is written by our very own auditors, who are experts in IT audits, information security, and compliance topics. Their auditing experience encompasses a broad spectrum of industries and organizations, and their specialized expertise can help your company or organization make the right decision for your auditing needs. Our specific areas of focus in our IT Audit & Compliance Blog include SOC 1 Audits, SOC 2 Audits, HIPAA Audits, HITRUST Certification, and FedRAMP Assessments, NIST & CMMC, and Penetration Testing.

Compliance automation tools

Compliance Automation Tools: Can You Automate Regulatory Compliance?

Who likes dealing with regulatory compliance? It’s not the most fun or popular task for organizations to deal with. Yet we live in a world with increasing risks related to information security, increasing regulation, and less time to commit to dealing with these factors. With the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) and compliance automation tools […]

CMMC final rule

Stop Procrastinating: Your Guide to the CMMC Final Rule

People often make New Year’s resolutions to reflect on the past year and set goals for personal growth, improvement, or change in the year ahead. One of the funniest I’ve heard is, “My New Year’s resolution is to stop procrastinating… starting tomorrow.” If you’ve been procrastinating on learning about CMMC, now is the time to […]

HITRUST AI security assessment and certification

HITRUST AI Security Assessment & Certification: Assessing AI Systems

Globally, the advent of AI systems and technologies is leading massive innovations. For example: The AI market in the U.S. was valued at $50.16 billion in 2024 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28.30%, reaching $223.70 billion by 2030. In 2023, investments in generative AI surged to $25.2 […]

Compliance in business

What Does “Compliant” Mean in IT & Business?

Compliance is defined in the dictionary as “the action or fact of complying with a wish or command.” That is a very simple definition for a complicated topic, especially when you consider all the demands and regulations companies are asked to be compliant with these days.

Emergency change process for compliance

Emergency Changes: Mastering SOC 2 Compliance

It’s 2 a.m., and the team is on a call. A security vulnerability has just been flagged in the production system. Hackers are actively exploiting this flaw worldwide. The pressure is on: the system needs an emergency patch—now. Testing? There’s no time. Waiting for standard approvals? Not an option. But as the team scrambles, the […]

SOC audit scope considerations

Audit Scope Considerations: Systems, Services, & Period Covered by Your SOC Assessment

Defining the scope of a SOC (System and Organization Controls) assessment is often the starting point for any meaningful audit preparation. The scope is critical because it determines which systems, services, and periods will be evaluated, impacting the value and usefulness of the SOC audit report to stakeholders. In this article, we’ll walk through essential […]

Internal vs. External Audits

Internal vs External Audit: What You Need To Know

Internal and external audits, while sharing some common elements, serve distinct purposes in an organization. In this blog, we will explain the key characteristics of each type of audit and examine how they overlap, as well as where they differ, to provide a greater understanding for our readers. What is An Internal Audit? An internal […]

Updated NIST password guidelines for 2024

Understanding the New NIST Password Guidelines for 2024

Passwords have always been a hot topic of discussion both in and out of security circles. Users have always hated being forced to come up with schemes to meet the complexity rules or change their passwords at defined intervals. The multitude of password requirements of the past have frustrated users and have led to bad […]